Velvet & Curl

Haute couture from our manufactory in Langenthal.

Like a tailor-made suit or dress, VELVET & CURL are tailored to you in a carefully balanced interplay of renewable natural fiber, texture and hue. VELVET & CURL are made with state-of-the-art robot technology to any conceivable size and in different structures, with a wide variety of borders. Haute Couture from our manufactory in Langenthal. En Vogue and yet classic, timeless, beautiful.

VELVET 13 with border 2.5 cm CURL 22
in Colorit 20495 Chocolate

CURL13 with border 15 cm VELVET 22
in Colorit 50083 Gold


For VELVET & CURL we use our best virgin wool, which we have dyed in the nearby Emmental and which we process into the highest quality carpets in our manufactory. Wool carpets from Ruckstuhl convince through durability and offer incomparable comfort.


VELVET & CURL werden mit state-of-the-art Robotertechnik auf jedes erdenkliche Mass und in unterschiedlichen Strukturen, mit verschiedensten Bordüren angefertigt. Haute Couture aus unserer Manufaktur in Langenthal (Schweiz).

Combine the structures and colours of VELVET & CURL as you wish to create your own tailor-made unique piece. Choose a structure for the carpet and, if desired, a border in another structure - either tone-in-tone or in a contrasting colour.

CURL 22 with border 5 cm VELVET 13
in colorit 40222 Deep Trail

VELVET 22 with border 10 cm CURL 13
in colorit 30280 Saphir

VELVET 13 Pure new wool velour area rug of 13mm total height
VELVET 22Pure new wool velour area rug of 22mm total height
CURL 13Loop area rug of 13mm total height
CURL 22Loop area rug of 22mm total height



There are almost no limits to individual wishes in the existing product portfolio. Ruckstuhl mixes personal colourways based on a specific idea, an existing colour shade (Pantone, NCS etc) or a sample pattern - even if you bring us your favourite woollen jumper as a template.

In addition, our customising offers the possibilities of oversizes, special formats, individualisation with trademarks and own designs up to complete special developments. Your idea is turned into reality by our collective of creative makers and artisans.

Creation process of the carpet VELVET 22 for the exhibition ENVIRONMENTAL HANGOVER by Pedro Wirz
(Kunsthalle Basel 2022) 

More info about the product:

Velvet & Curl

Sophisticated, En vogue, Tailor-made.