Ethics (Code of Conduct)

We believe that time, space and tranquillity have become the true luxury in a time characterised by rationality and fast-paced life. And this means that in times of changing values, not only "old" values have to be rediscovered, but also "new" values have to be created. Dialogue and cooperation with our natural fibre producers, suppliers and customers is important to us, because we want to know and take into account their needs comprehensively.
Since our beginnings, we have strived for a lived partnership based on trust, which we actively support by respecting the economic needs of our partner, through an appropriate sales structure and exemplary service. Through transparent agreements, we create a price and cost awareness that gives all parties a fair framework. In the company code RUCKSTUHL CODE OF CONDUCT we define our understanding of a basic attitude of integrity and ethically correct behaviour:
Scope of application
This Code of Conduct applies to all branches and business units of Ruckstuhl.
General Principles of Corporate Governance
Ruckstuhl AG undertakes to comply with the laws and legal provisions of the countries in which the company operates by means of the Code of Conduct. Ruckstuhl AG pursues fair competition and rejects all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Ruckstuhl AG strives to continuously increase transparency within its supply chain and ensures appropriate communication of its business practices to the outside world.
Human rights
Ruckstuhl AG respects the observance of human rights in its company. The company ensures that it is not complicit in human rights violations. In particular, Ruckstuhl AG respects the following human rights:
Any form of discrimination is prohibited as a matter of principle. This applies regardless of nationality, ethnicity, age and gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or disability, or religion or belief. Appraisals, promotions and new hires are always made free of discrimination.
Ruckstuhl AG respects the protection of privacy and the protection of personal data. Ruckstuhl AG treats all personal data of suppliers, customers, business partners and employees with the utmost care. This includes names, addresses, telephone numbers as well as date of birth or information about the current state of health. All employees are obliged to take all measures to secure the data that are suitable for protecting our IT system against both internal and external data theft. This applies in particular to passwords misused in the company and unauthorised downloading of files, in particular of inappropriate material from the Internet.
Ruckstuhl AG respects the right to freedom of opinion and expression and ensures open communication with employees. If employees report actual or suspected misconduct in good faith, the company will not tolerate any attempts at intimidation or reprisals against them. "In good faith" is understood to mean that the employee is convinced that his or her account is true. This applies whether or not a subsequent investigation confirms the employee's version of events.
Ruckstuhl AG behaves fairly and honestly towards its suppliers, customers and business partners. Ruckstuhl AG records the wishes, needs and expectations of its suppliers, customers and business partners in order to ensure targeted implementation in products, services or other processes. The primary goal is to achieve a long-term and stable relationship with suppliers, customers and business partners on the basis of trust. All business information of the partners and their trade secrets are treated sensitively and confidentially as a matter of principle. Required documents are properly created, stored or, if necessary, destroyed after the end of the cooperation.

« A socially responsible corporate governance
is the core principle of corporate action.»
Standards of cooperation
Ruckstuhl AG expects all employees to act in accordance with the highest professional standards and company guidelines at all times. If employees violate existing guidelines, rules or regulations in the course of their duties or through their conduct, they will be subject to disciplinary measures.
Ruckstuhl requires all managers to familiarise themselves with the laws, regulations and rules relevant to their area of responsibility and to comply with them without exception. Managers in particular bear a high level of responsibility in complying with the Code of Conduct.
The business practices of business partners and their suppliers must also take into account the applicable laws. This applies in particular to import, export and domestic trade in goods, technologies or services, but also to payment and capital transactions. Violations of economic embargoes as well as trade, import and export control regulations must also be ruled out by our business partners, as must the financing of terrorism.
All suppliers undertake to implement the Ruckstuhl Code of Conduct internally as well.
Working conditions
Ruckstuhl AG is committed to compliance with social standards at the production site. The core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in particular:
- Prohibition of forced labour;
- Prohibition of child labour;
- Compliance with local working and rest time regulations, whereby the maximum working time per week should not exceed 48 hours (excluding overtime). Overtime must be compensated.
- Payment of a wage appropriate for the job and location, and compliance with equal pay for work of equal value.
- Compliance with local occupational health and safety regulations.
- Respect for the right to assembly and collective bargaining.
To protect its employees, Ruckstuhl AG complies with all laws and regulations concerning health and safety in the workplace. To this end, our managers in particular take measures to create a healthy and hazard-free working environment for our employees. Employees are made aware of potential hazards and risks through regular internal training, safety data sheets and pictograms. The internal services department regularly checks compliance with occupational safety and health protection in consultation with external audits by SUVA or voluntarily selected organisations.
Ruckstuhl AG is committed to fair competition and complies with its laws and rules. Ruckstuhl AG shall refrain from agreements on prices, conditions and strategies with competitors, suppliers, other companies and dealers that hinder fair competition. Ruckstuhl AG shall not participate in any anti-competitive boycott.
Company internals and intellectual property
Ruckstuhl AG attaches great importance to the careful and responsible handling of the products manufactured, the work equipment used and the company's intellectual property.
Environmental protection
Protecting the environment and the climate has been an important concern for Ruckstuhl AG since the company was founded in 1881. All Ruckstuhl AG employees are committed to complying with environmental protection laws and regulations in the course of their work and also make an active contribution to implementing the environmental protection anchored in the company's mission statement through environmentally conscious behaviour:
Ruckstuhl AG is committed to sustainable climate protection out of conviction. By voluntarily participating in the programme of the Energy Agency for Industry, Ruckstuhl AG is committed to actively reducing CO2 emissions and optimising energy efficiency. The target agreement has been recognised by the Confederation, the cantons and partners in the business community. Ruckstuhl AG obtains 100% of its electricity from hydroelectric power.
Employees are encouraged to treat all natural resources used in the company (e.g. energy, water and raw materials) with care. The removal of materials for production and the disposal of materials are checked by the services department. (consumption logs). After closing time and where applicable during working hours for safety reasons, Ruckstuhl AG uses light sources with motion sensors.

«In all decisions, the social and ecological consequences must be considered »
Bribery and corruption
Ruckstuhl AG does not tolerate any form of corruption and bribery, regardless of whether this damages its own company assets or the assets of third parties. The company has control mechanisms in place to prevent bribery, theft, embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion or money laundering. All employees are prohibited from accepting or granting favours of any kind (cash, travel, gifts, etc.) that are linked to an undue advantage (awarding of contracts, project bonuses, etc.). Business partners are also required to avoid conflicts of interest that involve a risk of corruption.
Acceptance of gifts and donations
a) Gifts to employees
Ruckstuhl employees shall not demand or accept any personal benefits from customers or suppliers that influence or could influence their own behaviour with regard to their work for the company. If gifts are offered by third parties, they may only be accepted if they are common practice and can be recognised as a courtesy or favour (promotional gifts with the logo of the company giving the gift). In the case of gifts whose value exceeds CHF 50, the management must be informed. If this is not possible, these gifts are to be rejected as a matter of principle.
b) Gifts by employees
Gifts on our part may also only be offered within a framework that is customary for the business relationship and to a materially appropriate extent. The recipient must not be able to associate any obligation with it that would influence his or her business decisions.
c) Donations
As a matter of principle, Ruckstuhl AG does not make donations to political parties, to individuals or to organisations whose objectives contradict the corporate philosophy or damage its reputation. Donations are always made in a transparent manner.
Compliance with applicable law
Ruckstuhl AG undertakes to familiarise itself with the laws, regulations and rules relevant to its area of responsibility and to comply with them without exception. Managers in particular bear a high level of responsibility in complying with the Code of Conduct.
The business practices of all business partners and their suppliers must also take into account the applicable laws. This applies in particular to import, export and domestic trade in goods, technologies or services, but also to payment and capital transactions.
Violations of economic embargoes as well as trade, import and export control regulations must also be ruled out by all business partners, as must the financing of terrorism.

«The economy has to serve the people,
and not vice versa»
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
on the occasion of the centenary meeting of the International Labour Organisation
of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva in June 2019
Implementation of the Code of Conduct
Ruckstuhl AG makes every reasonable effort to implement this Code of Conduct in its business activities and with its business partners. In the event of deficits, it shall immediately take measures for improvement. Upon request, the contractual partners of Ruckstuhl AG shall be provided with a comprehensible explanation of how the Code of Conduct is being complied with. Business secrets or other information worthy of protection with regard to competition are excluded from this reporting.
Adrian Berchtold | Valentin Baumann |
Managing Director, President of the Board of Directors Co-Owner | Head of Finances, HR & Services, Member of the Board Co-Owner |