A mutual objective; Nature becomes Culture.
A dignified humane development today no longer seems to be given from the start. Nor is a future worth living just going to fall into our laps: it calls for the work of many generations. Taking on ecological and social responsibility means making a start here and now with a business strategy that does justice to the environment. The difficulty of realizing this in practice calls for creative ideas, courage and persistence. Ruckstuhl has been willing to take on this task since 1881.

«Taking on ecological and social responsibility means
starting here and now with a greener economy.»
Our sense of ecological responsibility shows itself on an everyday basis in the objective fact that we work, as a matter of policy, with natural fibers. In contrast with synthetic fibers, which are generally obtained from crude oil, natural fibers are a component and expression of living nature. They make a quite different kind of statement: both the qualities they emanate and their effect are different. Natural fibers are renewable raw materials, which make it possible for incomparably more human beings to participate in economic, social and cultural processes that are in keeping with human dignity.
«Ecology and economics – Opponents or partners?»
Ruckstuhl has on repeated occasions grappled with burning issues. For instance, with the question whether ecology or economics are unbridgeable opposites – or can they be mutually complementery partners? What can we do in practical terms, to encourage the reshaping of industry in keeping with ecological standards?
Since our beginnings, we strive for ecological consistency, form the birth of our ideas to the end of the lifecircle.