




In the mid-1970s, Ruckstuhl AG was the only remaining manufacturer of coconut carpets in Switzerland within the framework of the "Verband Schweizerischer Cocosteppich-Fabrikanten, VSCF". After the dissolution of the VSCF, Ruckstuhl also appeared on the Swiss market with the abbreviation "rag" (Ruckstuhl AG), which had already been known internationally for some time - more or less as a brand signet. Over time, however, it became apparent that this signet had two major disadvantages: firstly, like all abbreviations, it was very impersonal, and secondly, it soon became apparent in the international activities that the English term "rag" had a rather negative connotation.



A new company logo was therefore the obvious choice: With the expert advice of the well-known graphic artist and designer Alfred Hablützel, the company came up with the handwritten company logo "RUCKSTUHL", which is still valid today and not only shows the full name of the founding family, but was also graphically suitable for all applications. But why a handwritten signet in modern times? With the explicit renunciation of computer-based graphics, the company wanted to document that the products are natural products, for the identification of which it is worthwhile to develop a handwritten calligraphy itself.



In 2017, the classic signet was supplemented by the addition of "SWISS 1881" to underline the Swiss origin on the one hand and on the other hand to reflect the founding year 1881 as the oldest carpet manufacturer in Switzerland: