Quality standards in the processing of precious natural fibres.
At Ruckstuhl, the precious heritage of know-how and tradition in the processing of natural fibres is not increased by quantity, but by quality. We have set ourselves the goal of not growing too big, so that we only ever need to do what we are personally convinced of.
As fanatics when it comes to natural fibres, we have designed our carpets for the long term - because we consider them to be basic materials - which means that the inner, aesthetic value must correspond to the life expectancy of the product. We therefore refrain from fashionable, superficial extravagances in patterning and colouring. However, we also do not believe that a carpet belongs to those things that have to be practically indestructible. That is what man-made fibres advertise. For us, the excellent physiological and practical properties of natural fibres are sufficient - provided they are professionally processed.
What we have been researching for decades, thanks to our quality standards, is something that no one can imitate so quickly. Laboratory tests and practical experience prove it time and again: Ruckstuhl carpets are distinguished by excellent values in terms of light fastness and abrasion resistance. It goes without saying that our contract wool carpets have been awarded the rating "suitable for castor chairs".

«Quality remains,
when the price is long forgotten. .»
Harry Gordon Selfridge (1858 - 1947)
US-American merchant
Founder of Selfridges, London

How do we define quality?
At Ruckstuhl, we are convinced that natural fibres are among the most precious, renewable raw materials. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be processed with insufficient quality. After all, it is also a question of not depriving nartur fibre producers, who are at a disadvantage on the world market, of their worthwhile livelihoods even more through price-cutting, low-quality offers.
We believe that high quality standards, payment according to needs and long-term supply contracts also create an incentive to improve the level of production and the quality of life of natural fibre producers in the long term. Our responsibility is therefore to preserve the raw material exports of our suppliers given by nature and culture.
«The production of high quality,
durable and timeless products
creates quality of life»