Ursula Waldburger

Before Ursula Waldburger discovered embroidery as her passion, she needed – biographically speaking – time to mature. After studying architecture at the EPF in Lausanne for a number of semesters, she retreated to the private sphere for about ten years, time in which she concentrated on free artistic expression. Her colour-space pictures, painted using oil tempera and created without any commission or professional intent, were warmly received, and would certainly have allowed her to embark on an artistic career, yet in 1997 she decided to take an introductory course in design at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). She went on to complete a four-year course of training there to become a textile designer. Embroidery soon became the focus of her interest – both as a niche and as a field whose solidly established traditions encouraged the attempt to try something new.

In 2004 she set up her own business in Lucerne, 'Pieks! – a Fabric Store and Studio for Textile Design'. Here she sells her own embroidery products and offers something she calls her 'textile delicatessen', consisting of special fabrics, fashion and accessories.